Articles on: Resources

Upload & Edit Cliparts


These are the primary contents covered in this article:
Clipart Category


What is a Directory?
Directory is a folder containing all Clipart Categories.

You CAN NOT upload cliparts directly to a Directory.

Create Directory:
Step 1: Go to Resource > Cliparts.
Step 2: Hit the Create Directory button.
Step 3: Enter basic information such as the Name of the directory (inquired) and Parent Directory (optional).
Step 4: Click CREATE.

You can select a Parent Directory to create sub-folders for easy management. For example: "PETS" directory contains "CAT" and "DOG" directories.

Delete Directory:
To delete a directory, hover over it to see the action buttons:
- Trash button: Delete a directory and all containing sub-categories and cliparts. Please remember that you cannot revert this action afterward.

A popup caution will appear, asking if you are certain because deleting a Directory is irreversible.

- Add (+) button: Click to create a sub-directory of it.


What is a Clipart Category?
Clipart Category is a collection of images that can be alternatively selected and easily switched by your customers to personalize their product(s) on the storefront.

Create Clipart Category:

Step 1: Go to Resource > Cliparts.
Step 2: Hit the Create Category button.
Step 3: Enter the Name of Category (required). E.g: Cat Costume, Cat Breeds, Cat Eyes...
Step 4: Select its Parent Directory.
Step 5: Select a suitable Max-width display option:
Max-width display decides the maximum preview size of clipart on your live store. The original clipart will never be showed on live store to prevent thieves and optimize your website's speed. It will only be used to render order design in Dastomize App.

We suggest the ideal max-width display from 200px - 250px for a normal clipart. For long quotes or large backgrounds, you can select up to 500px so they will be more visible when previewing.
Step 6: Select Display Settings For Sub-Categories. You can choose to show items in direct sub-categories in 3 ways:
- Thumbnail Images
- Dropdown list (You'll need to enter a placeholder text for the dropdown list)
- Inline button
Learn more: Clipart Category Display Settings
When displaying as a thumbnail, if the color is set for clipart, all cliparts will be displayed as color swatches.

Step 7: Advanced Settings: By default, the tooltip is always enabled. You can choose to hide Clipart Name as tooltip when hovering.

Step 8: Hit the Create button to create your Category.

Upload Clipart:
Step 1: Go to a Category, which was created in part 2 above.
Step 2: Drag and drop the images to the upload area, or click anywhere on the square area to select files from your computer.
Step 3: Click Open to upload the clipart(s).

Step 4: Click the Funnel icon next to Refresh button to sort the cliparts in alphabetical order.
Step 5: After uploading and sorting the cliparts, hit the Refresh button or reload the page.
Step 6: Click Update to save changes to your Clipart category.

Remember to NOT close the page while uploading. Then, reload the page when finished.

Then on your live store, you can show these cliparts for your customers to pick in order to change the Cat Breeds in the design.

With Dastomize, you won't need to manually create and upload a thumbnail for each clipart anymore. When you reload the page after uploading cliparts, you will see an auto-generated thumbnail image with a white background next to each clipart.
By default, the thumbnail image will be auto-generated by trimming the empty area of the clipart and changing the background to white. You can upload another thumbnail image to represent your clipart by hovering over the thumbnail image and clicking Change Thumbnail.

Rename & Reorder Clipart:
To rename clipart, click on the Clipart name to edit (by default, clipart name = name of the image when uploaded). Click Save to finish editing:

Name of the cliparts will be shown on the live store if you choose the Display Settings as a Dropdown list. Or if you disable "Hide Clipart Name as Tooltip when Hovering" in the Advanced Settings.

To re-order cliparts, hold the blank space in the clipart row and drag them to the correct position. Then click Save change.

Delete Clipart:
Hover over a clipart to see the Trash icon. Click the icon to remove a clipart.
A popup caution will appear, asking if you are certain because deleting Clipart is irreversible.

Learn More: Hierarchy of Clipart Categories

Updated on: 09/05/2022

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